Sunday, September 26, 2010

Indian Summer? I Say African Summer.

So it's hot. It's really hot. As I type this, I can think of little else. My original intention for today's blog was to educate you all on a very important bill coming up on the ballot too soon for comfort. But, as it stands, I can't think over the sound of my own sweat dripping in my ears. So, I started looking up ways to keep cool without using an air conditioner (saving the environment and all).

While a few of them were sort of no-brainers, such as drinking cold drinks, a couple of them were pointers I'd never heard before, so I thought I'd pass them on to you in the midst of this Indian Summer.

  • Wet your wrists and other pulse points with cold water. This will instantly cool you down and can lower your body temperature up to 3 degrees F for up to an hour.
  • Turn off hot sources of electricity (such as the computer I'm typing this on, for example). Stoves, lights, anything that puts off heat.
  • Eat less, especially meat. You may be inclined to do this anyway, as people tend to lose their appetites in ONE HUNDRED AND THREE DEGREE WEATHER. Protein rich foods require a greater metabolic temperature to digest, and therefore will keep you a bit warmer.
  • Mint is a natural cooling agent. Mint lotions, mint leaf in your five o'clock cocktail, mint anything will keep feeling cool.
  • Fill a glass to the brim with ice and breathe into it. The air that blows back in your face will be like an arctic breeze.... just don't let other people catch you, it looks kind of silly. I had to explain to a customer who walked in today.
  • "Heeee better lay low!" Wise advice, Snoop. Heat rises, so get down to the ground kids.
Alright. Six ways to avoid the heat, or at least pretend it isn't there, without turning on that power sucker. Try and keep cool and remember to wear your all-natural sunscreen, available here at Bambu Batu. Friendly Tips provided by

Song of the day: Buster Poindexter's "Hot Hot Hot"

Bonus Video: Christine O'Donnell's look on science.

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